
Monday, 25 March 2013

I'm back!

I've decided to start blogging again to keep myself accountable and back on track with my general health and fitness.
Long story short.. Since I last blogged, I've gained roughly 10 kgs and have seriously slackened with my fitness. My eating is indulgent to say the least, but I have managed to cut down on the amount of alcohol I've been consuming. I've attached my soon to be before photo ( or at least I think I have, I'm writing this on my phone) in the hope that taking progress shots will keep me on track and striving.
At the end of the day, I'm a very confident person, but I hate the ickiness and general unwellness that comes with being overweight and not in control of my eating. I suppose my aim with this blog is to keep track of my food, exercise and general well being.

-Commit to 3 weights training sessions per week, and 2 boot camps. Boot camp is a mix of resistance, body weight exercises and boxing.. It's where I do all of my cardio, basically
-Lose the 10kgs I've gained over the next 3 months. Lose 2 dress sizes and regain my shape.

I'll post proper measurements etc over the next few days.

Looking forward to getting back on track, and feeling like the young fit 20 something I was 8 months ago.


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