So I've had a pretty rough couple of days. I found out yesterday that my Mum's been diagnosed with bowel cancer. She moved up to QLD in July last year and has really had a bad run for a few months, and it's all come to this diagnosis. I think we're all in shock. When I spoke to her on the phone last night, she seemed reasonably calm, but these things take time to truly sink in and I know we have a battle ahead of us.
Tonight I'll be driving up to QLD with my Mums best friend to spend Easter with her. It's going to be a long drive but I know it'll be worth it to see her again.
I don't have alot of time to plan food so I'll just have to roll with the punches so to speak, and try and make the best decisions as I can. But honestly, food feels like the least of my worries at the moment.
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