
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

To love..

I adore The Biggest Loser. It inspires me, makes me cry, makes me smile and reminds me of the power we each hold to change and shape our lives as we please. Yet, I struggle with the premise and the strong theme this season of being unable to fall in love if you’re obese. It's true; obesity is a horrible, taxing struggle on both the body and mind, and the contestants on this show are riddled with numerous health issues and perils. My heart breaks for these people... the disturbing revelations of complete lack of self confidence, the vulnerability... and the idea of hating yourself so deeply? Terrifying. 
But respect and love for ones self should be promoted as paramount in any journey of self-improvement. To hate yourself, or too feel shame or humiliation will only cause more pain and anguish. That is what builds walls against love… the inability to accept the core of who you are. Obesity is often a symptom of some serious hate and destruction.

Nourish and nurture yourself. Punishment and internal suffering will only ever lead to a cycle of regret and heartbreak.

Treat yourself kindly; believe that you are worth loving and capable of loving. Fulfilment in life comes from respect for ones body, mind and soul. The rest will follow.


Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you here. I hate this theme. I love these contestants but I wish they would concentrate on them as people rather than them as "singles". I want to see their breakthrough moments, not be constantly reminded that they're single.

Unknown said...

Amen to that!!

~Whirlsie~ said...

I actually have to disagree. I see the theme in a different way. I don't see it as you need to be thin to find love, but as a person who has been in a similar mindset, that I wouldnt *allow* myself to be loved until I could love myself, and a large part of that was losing weight

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