Yesterday turned out to be a bit of a tough day.
For starters, I've had 90c in my bank account since Saturday due to a plethora of bills, poor planning and my birthday party. This has meant that I've been living on leftover soup, generous meals from friends and eggs since last week. I haven't been able to buy any fresh produce and am craving my usual 3 servings of greens like crazy! The good news is, today is pay day, so I'll be able to get back on track tonight and do a big shop.
In addition to my financial woes, I heard some dire news last night about my Mums health. There needs to be further tests etc. this week. But things seem to be coming to a head a bit and I know the next few weeks are only going to get harder to deal with. My Mum lives up in QLD, so if her health deterioates I'm really unsure about what may happen. But I'm trying not to jump the gun and take things as they come.
In regards to my food, a few sugary treats snuck in, and I definitely over did the pasta for dinner because I was so ravenous by the time I got to eating.
What I Ate:
Breakfast- Two egss wrapped in two pieces of mountain bread with hot sauce.
Snack 1- 1/2 cup greek yoghurt & a banana
Lunch- Vegetable & Barley Soup with 4 rice cakes
Snack 2- 1/2 cup cottage cheese with tuna on 4 vita wheats
Snack 3- 2 Rice cakes with peanut butter and berries
Dinner- Veggie bolognese w fettucnini (too much fettucini)
The bad-Small handful of lollies, chocolate biscuit and maltesar bunny.
My aim for today is to avoid those sugar tid bits and do a big grocery shop. I'm going out with a friend for dinner to my favourite Mexican place, but I won't be drinking and will be avoiding my usual go to dishes like fried potatoes.. quesedillas. I also missed training today due to sleeping in, but with the upcoming four day weekend, I'm sure I'll be able to make up for it.
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