
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Pushing through.

Today I weighed in, only to find that I’ve gained 1.5kgs since last Wednesday. Hows that for a kick up the ass?
The cause of my plateau is a mixture of complacency, laziness and dining out too often. I am a huuuuuge lover of food. Especially food made by someone else with greater culinary skills then myself. Anyway- recently, I’ve spent a lot of time socialising, a few birthdays, a few catch ups with old friends and just generally indulging more then usual and sadly, it’s really taking its toll. I’ve been hovering around the same weight for about 6 weeks, up and down within a few 100 grms, but this week my body retaliated and stacked it on. On top of that, a mixture of boredom and hunger at work has seen me reaching for the wrong foods- biscuits (last Friday I consumed 8 of the communal biscuits over the course of the day, yes, 8), chocolate, co-workers junk food etc. Its been disastrous- my self control seems to be have been slipping slowly and its finally becoming noticeable. So its time to cut the crap, and pull everything back in to line. 
And good lord, it’s hard! My heavy handed portions have re-stretched my stomach a little, so I’m back to getting hunger pains even after something that previously left me satisfied. I’m snacking too often (I should be having 300 cals worth of snacks per day- today I almost have 500cals worth). I know I’ll get past this point- my discipline for the past 4-5 months has been impeccable (excluding the past few weeks). If I keep it up, I know I’ll be at my goal weight well before Christmas. I currently have (as of today) 14.8 kgs to lose. My trainings fantastic- burning a butt load with all my extra sessions, unfortunately its a bit all for nothing with an imperfect diet.
I’ve been getting a lot of “You’re being to hard on yourself!!” from various people lately- but really, I don’t think thats true. Right now I’m at the exact spot where I slipped a few years ago and reversed all of my hard work. I’m so determined not to let that happen again that I need to analyse myself and figure out why here- again.  I want to go further with this then I’d ever initially thought I would. I’m setting big goals for myself- and I intend to achieve them, damnit!


Liz N said...

Hey Erny, didn't know you had a blog, I'll have to follow along and give you a motherly kick in the butt (at 42, I could be your mother lol )

Erny said...

All kicks in the butt much appreciated!!! xx

Bella said...

I know how you feel when people say "oh you're being too hard on yourself". I had the same thing happen to me a couple of weeks ago when I was saying that although I am still losing weight, I really need to tighten things up a little as I'm starting to lose focus but this was met with the same response! NOT helpful! Sometimes you need the kick up the butt so you can pull your head in and bum up! I know you can do it.

Anonymous said...

I know on Twitter you also talked about your snacking and were going to start tracking what you eat. I think it really helps. It can be bloody annoying but useful.

You're doing such a great job on the exercise front, once your eating clicks into place again the remaining weight will disappear.


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