Hello neglected blog. Have you missed me pretties?
Well I'm still here, and for the most part kicking ass. I've plateued weight loss wise (I've hovered around 77-78kgs for 6 weeks now)- a lot of it comes down to what I'm putting in my mouth and a lack of rest.
The two are linked of course- Erin doesn't sleep enough, Erin gets tired, Erin reaches for lollies/coffee/biscuits to keep energy levels peaked at work. It's an odd cycle to pick up, because even when I was obese, I never had a sugar habit persay. My vices were always fried and carbalicious- chocolate was never my thing. It's also definitely because I'm expending more energy now. For the past few weeks I've been pulling double sessions at the gym on work days- to deal with stress mainly, and to also shake up my routine a little. This means early mornings, long lunches plus staying back at work too make up hours because of my long lunches (worth it). This would be fine- however combine this with an influx of late nights due to catching up with old friends, new friends and just generally being a procrastinating douche bag- I end up running on 5-6 hours worth of (disrupted) sleep per night.
Plus I've been eating out a lot- and have been failing to say no to dessert and other delicious tidbits. My tastebuds are loving it- my butt, not so much.
So my focus for whats rest of this round (and dear god, where have the past 3 months gone??) is balance.
Yes, I still intend to go hard in my training (I'll post the weeks plan), but also intend to fuel things properly with enough sleep and good nutrition. I need to re-discipline myself in so many areas, but I know that it's possible. I managed it last round with fantastic results, I've just got to get my mental mojo back.
Hey there. Good to see you blogging again. Don't be too hard on yourself as you are working and training so hard - so you have mostly got it all in place. I always look at your tweets with envy, as you head off to the gym early in the morning and often go again later.
Very very impressive!
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