
Monday, 2 May 2011

My new goal- Becoming a morning person.

So, slight confession time. I skipped spin class yesterday.. I made myself justify it with old, petty excuses. Like.. I was exhausted, hungry, I could go home and do a dvd instead (I didn't.. Haha). I bargained with myself (not new behavior) and even made a few co workers agree with me that I was too tired for a spin class. I am a dilllllllll! I knew exactly what I was doing! I posed my justification too my lazy coworkers because I knew they'd help me sabotage myself! Had I instead jumped on the forums and asked for advice, without a doubt I would have ended up in spin last night.
This kind of bargaining behavior has become to common over the past couple of weeks. My results on the scales havnt been fantastic, and I know exactly why.. I've skipped too many gym sessions, indulged into many poor foods and basically have been setting myself up for failure with my terrible sleeping patterns. I'm not being consistent.
Too combat this I've decided I need to regulate other areas of my life too better support consistency when it comes to my fitness and eating.
So, everyday I'm going to have my alarm set for 5.30am and either jump on a train to the gym or do a workout dvd in the loungeroom. I still want to make spin classes after work, but this removes the pressure from the situation and I'll be able to go for enjoyment. I think I cave quite easily when I put pressure on myself- about week 8 or 9 when I told myself I wanted to lose up to 18-20 kgs for the round I started faltering with inconsistent training sessions and too much food.
It's a weird mental barrier that I need to work out, I truly believe.that this program is the perfect place for me to be to sort ky shit out, basically. I'm over playing mind games writhing myself.
I will do this and I will reach my goal weight! Soon!


Sarah aka Byclops said...

I struggled with mornings a few months ago, but bit by bit it becomes a habit and easier :)

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